Somos de la teoría que siempre que vamos a un lugar de viaje nos encanta dejar un plan pendiente para que siempre haya un motivo para volver.
Esto fue precisamente lo que nos pasó con el icónico Brooklyn Bridge. Pues aunque habíamos visitado la ciudad en varias ocasiones a éste lugar particularmente no lo habíamos visitado antes. Por esto, un día nublado y no muy brillante a puertas de otoño fue ideal para ir a conocerlo y disfrutar al máximo! Caminamos delicioso por Brooklyn y después subimos para cruzar el puente en sentido Brooklyn-Manhattan pudiendo contemplar la hermosa vista de los rascacielos de la gran manzana y haciendo de éste plan un recuerdo inolvidable y un “must” cada que volvamos a “Gotham City”.
Both of us have the special belief that whenever we travel to any city or place we love to leave a pending plan or just a “to-do” special activity because… for this reason you will always have a reason “why” to come back.
This was precisely what happened to us with the iconic Brooklyn Bridge. Although we had visited the city in several occasions we haven’t been before into this particular place. Therefore, a cloudy gray day with fall ahead of us, was the great weather to cross it by, enjoying to the fullest this touristic plan! At first we arrived to Brooklyn; we walked by DUMBO and its coffee shops and restaurants. It’s lovely because it’s like the big city but without all the craziness, more residential and way more quiet. Then we were ready to cross the bridge to go back to Manhattan. We crossed it back and it was great! It’s beautiful to do it in this way because of the magical skyline view of the Big Apple. This day was an unforgettable memory and a “must” each to time we are back to “Gotham City”.

Coat: RAPSODIA, T-Shirt: H&M, Jeans: AMERICAN EAGLE, Handbag: BANANA REPUBLIC, Boots: SAM EDELMAN, Sunnies: RAY-BAN encuéntralas AQUÍ
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